Senin, 14 November 2016

Script Audio (Track 1)

  1. I know that company have to advertise to sell their product. But you don't need have big billboard everywhere. They really horrible and they get bigger and bigger every year. I think the major of apollo was right to do what you do.
  2. I think he need to have more than advertising. You have to stop company advertising product that bad for you. In my country you want like to advertise cigarette example.
  3. I think some advertising looks really stupid. Where i live you’re allowed to advertise beer and alcohol on tv, but you can't do it before 8 pm. The idea is to protect children. But most children watch tv until at least 10 pm.
  4. Some people say there’s too much advertising online, but when we use the internet we usually don’t have to pay to get information we need. That’s because many website internet make the profit from advertising so we can use their website as a free. I agree that there are advertise online, but you don’t have to look at them.
   Kelompok 1 :
   Bekta Warajati
   Dani Priatma
   Rofiandi Prasetyanto