Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Dani Priatma
Kelas : 3EB24
NPM : 22214505

5. There is ( too much/ too many) bad news on television tonight.
    Reason : "too many" use for uncountable noun.

10. Phill can’t go to _____the___ movies tonight because he has to write ____an___ essay.
    Reason : “the” for something that people know. And “an”  before words that start with a vowel sound.

5. There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and ___the other___ are from ___other____ countries.
    Reason : “the other” is usually referring to the second or remaining among two or more, and to being of the recent past. And "Other" is referring to something or someone different / alternate / additional.

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